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The Garden

I've been seeing this visual in my mind of our fertility journey being a garden. We have planted these seeds and we know that we're responsible for watering them and fertilizing them. We have no control over the elements; the wind, the rain, the sun. We're just planting these seeds. We're tending to them. We're watering them every single day and we're not seeing any buds pop up. We're not seeing any green little sprigs. We're not seeing any growth. We know we've planted these seeds and we're taking care of them each day but, some days it rains and some days it's sunny and we can't control those factors. We just have to keep watering and tending to this garden. We crouch on our knees in the dirt, pulling the weeds that keeping popping up. Sometimes it seems like my fingers can't keep up with all the pulling. Sometimes critters sneak in and disturb the seeds we've planted. We're doing all we can. There are still no flowers. Occa

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